Especially given how complicated our lives can get, we tend to forget the simple things. And we tend to do so at our own peril. So allow me to remind you of a very simple, yet powerful aspect of The Today System that I have to remind myself of pretty regularly.
Anything can go on the card! Seriously, it’s not just a place for official things that look and smell like regular work tasks. It’s not just a place for big, important-sounding project work. It’s a place where you put down the things that are important for you to work on, but that you know you have trouble working on. It’s a place where you decide what matters to you, and then agree to hold yourself accountable for acting accordingly (or not).
What’s more, how you measure yourself is up to you, as well.
Say you want to be more present during time with your loved ones. It can be as simple as putting that item on your card. If it’s been a problem recently, and it really matters to you, put it at the top of your card. Then look at it regularly, and grade yourself on how well you’ve done. Award points accordingly.
The card is just for you. It’s you making decisions and commitments to yourself, and holding yourself accountable. And just like your life, it can be whatever you want it to be. So act accordingly.