You know that old saying “a place for everything, and everything in its place”? Well, it’s true not just for physical things, but also for mental things?
What do I mean by “mental things”? Basically anything that pulls at your attention in some way is a mental thing that should be put in its place. Where or what the place is doesn’t really matter—at least not as much as how much you trust that whatever goes into said place will not be neglected.
Much like odds and ends that can end up crowding your living space, so can any unaddressed thought, idea, question, or experience. And by “address” I just mean that you gave that thing adequate time and attention, and made some kind of decision about it. If you didn’t do those things, then whatever is on your mind continues to pull at you, and keep you from being fully present.
That’s where a daily log can come in handy. Simply log the things that come up during the day that you feel are pulling at you, or will be. Get them off your mind as soon as they pop in there, or at least not long after.
But make sure that you do something with those items you record throughout the day. Take the time that you usually use to reflect on your score each day and plan your next card. Use a bit of that time to take any items from your daily log that need to become projects or tasks. Do this regularly, and you’ll find that you feel a bit lighter most days.