Have a Place for Your (Mental) Things

Have a Place for Your (Mental) Things

You know that old saying “a place for everything, and everything in its place”? Well, it’s true not just for physical things, but also for mental things? What do I mean by “mental things”? Basically anything that pulls at your attention in some way is a mental thing that should be put in its place. Where or what the place…
Build in a Buffer

Build in a Buffer

There is a tendency when we build our task list for the day to view ourselves as completely efficient and knowledgable machines. We seem to think that we both know exactly how long each thing will take us, exactly how much free time we’ll have, and we predict that there won’t be any hiccups along the way. But how often…

Anything Can Go on the Card

Especially given how complicated our lives can get, we tend to forget the simple things. And we tend to do so at our own peril. So allow me to remind you of a very simple, yet powerful aspect of The Today System that I have to remind myself of pretty regularly. Anything can go on the card! Seriously, it’s not…

Feeling Overwhelmed? Ask Yourself 2 Questions.

It's easy to get caught up in all of the things that need to be done--or rather, seem like they need to be done. When there is a lot out in front of us, we can begin to feel like there's no way to get it all done. And we're probably right; there isn't a way to get it all…

The Card Should Reflect Your Real Priorities

It took me more than a year to fully embrace the power of the daily card and the scoring system. Over a year! And I created the damn thing! During that time, I consistently put work-related stuff in the top slots, with the highest point values. Whether it was stuff related to my day job or stuff related to building…

Thought for Today: May 8th, 2022

Nobody does it alone. Many times, it can seem like it's just you out there--filling out your card with today's tasks. It can make you think that everything is just up to you, and all the action and movement has to come from you. But that's not how the world works. We're hopelessly interdependent. Almost anything worth getting done either…

Thought for Today: May 7th, 2022

When you feel overwhelmed, aim to simplify the complex. There's a a quote from Confucius that I remind myself of quite often: Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated. I tend to remind myself of it whenever my list of things to do seems to have swelled to larger than I can manage. I also think…