You Carry Everything With You, Until You Put it Down In Writing

Your mind may not remember everything you think about or experience, but somehow it feels it all. And any stress, fear, apprehension, or a sense of urgency about something unfinished rides upon your back--so to speak--until you resolve things. That's why it's so important to address tasks and other open loops in your life as they come up. Your emotions are constantly…
Using Power-Multiplier Tasks

Using Power-Multiplier Tasks

As simple as it may seem to fill out your Today Card every day, it can also be very difficult. We often find ourselves with so many things to do each day it can be difficult to decide which things are the most important for us to tackle. Yes, the top items on your card should be the most important.…
The 4-Part Hierarchy  of Personal Productivity

The 4-Part Hierarchy of Personal Productivity

Learning to be more productive can seem complicated. If you’re looking to get more productive, chances are you’re already overwhelmed by a lot things that need to be done, and not enough time to do them. It can seem like there’s no rhyme or reason to help you decide the next thing to do. But there is a rhyme, and…
The Very Definition of Productivity

The Very Definition of Productivity

For all of the definitions of "productivity" I've come across, none is as complete is a single word. productivity = intentionality It's as simple as it gets. Being productive means being intentional. It means being intentional with your use of your 2 most valuable resources: your time and energy. It means that you deploy those things in service of the…

Push Tasks, Pull Tasks, and the Importance of Self-Knowledge in Planning Your Day

Being productive with your days means being intentional with your time and energy. Your time and energy are your most valuable resources. But they're non-renewable resources, so productivity becomes all about ensuring they don't go to waste. And you do that day by day--by filling out a Today Card each day. But a Today Card is different from so many…

Making the Most of Your Day

Simple Rules to Help Better Fill Out Your Card The centerpiece of the Today System is the simple daily 3 x 5 index card. It is simple, but powerful. It serves simultaneously as the game plan, reminders, and scoreboard for your personal productivity. By ’productivity’ here, I really mean intentionality. How well did you make today into what you intended…

When Less Really Is More

How we simultaneously underestimate and overestimate ourselves, and how to avoid both Is there any more overused cliché than "less is more”? I guess that's kind of ironic, given the spirit of the saying. But I digress. There's an application for the aphorism that I don't think gets enough attention. It has to do with achieving goals and managing tasks.…
Make the Big Small and the Small Big

Make the Big Small and the Small Big

Easily one of my favorite books is the Tao Te Ching. It’s an ancient Chinese text that’s either the collected wisdom of many ancient sages, or the reflections of a single accomplished and revered old man as he left his village to live as a hermit in his old age. No one knows for sure. But either way, it’s filled…
You Need Certainty to Handle the Uncertainty Around You

You Need Certainty to Handle the Uncertainty Around You

The human mind craves certainty. It is our surest bet for dealing with the uncertainty around us that makes up the world in general, and our lives each day. That’s why core values are so important. Values are constant. Their constance gives us certainty. And our commitment to our values serves as the anchor of certainty which allows us to…
The Necessity of Feedback Loops in Personal Growth

The Necessity of Feedback Loops in Personal Growth

What gets measured gets managed.Peter Drucker Like it or not, you’re managing your personal growth. And you’re either doing it well or doing it poorly. Only you can say which. But if you don’t have a way to measure your growth, how do you know how well you’re managing it? Goals, Tasks, Etc. Writing down and monitoring goals is one…
The Lesson About Productivity it Took Me a Decade to Learn

The Lesson About Productivity it Took Me a Decade to Learn

There’s a very important lesson about productivity that it took me nearly a decade to learn. It came after multiple rounds of getting a lot of stuff done, but still feeling like I wasn't any better off. It seemed like I had done what needed doing. I had checked so many boxes, and crossed off so many items. I had…
Separate the Doing From the Deciding

Separate the Doing From the Deciding

We often associate being productive with doing things—with hard work, or "doing the doing". And so we push ourselves to get to work on tasks quickly. Hence the ubiquity of the to-do list. But because of that, we miss a key distinction—one that's important to understand if we want to become more productive, instead of just better at doing. I’m…
The Today System, One Year On

The Today System, One Year On

On November 30, 2020—exactly one year and one day ago— I pushed aside the complicated system of task lists and projects that I had been using and took the first step toward a simpler, more reliable system. I took out a simple 3 x 5 index card and wrote down six things that were important for me to do that…
Progress Comes From Making the Important Urgent

Progress Comes From Making the Important Urgent

A key part of being productive is understanding and leveraging the distinction between importance and urgency. It’s a distinction that gets overlooked or misunderstood quite often. And when that happens, it’s part of what drives us to do a lot of stuff, but feel like we’re not getting anywhere. In the simplest of terms, importance means that something is weighty—it…
The Less Time You Have, the More of it You Need to Spend Planning

The Less Time You Have, the More of it You Need to Spend Planning

There’s an old Zen parable that highlights the importance of spending your time wisely. A man goes to a Zen master and says “I need help. I’m stressed, I’m overwhelmed, my mind races all the time, and it all feels like it’s all too much. What can I do?” The Zen master tells the man "you should meditate for 20…
The Importance of Taking Things One Day at a Time

The Importance of Taking Things One Day at a Time

My absolute favorite book on personal productivity is David Allen's Getting Things Done. The system it lays out is excellent for getting organized and more productive. It was my productivity bible for several years, as I began my career. But there's something at the core of the GTD system that a lot of people don't quite grasp the first time…
The Case for Visual Separation in Productivity

The Case for Visual Separation in Productivity

Why a new index card every day? Tools are supposed to make things easier. A hammer makes it easier to drive a nail into something. A riding lawnmower makes it easier to mow large spaces. An app makes it easier to organize and act on information. But sometimes, the tool that's supposed to make things easier can end up doing…
hand throwing paper airplane at crescent moon

Embracing Limits Makes You Limitless

If you acknowledge and embrace your limits, you can become limitless. There's a popular quote attributed to Bill Gates that lays out an unofficial law of productivity: Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.Bill Gates Quite simply, we seem to be bad at understanding our abilities related to either really…