Look for Linkages

Look for Linkages

We are creatures of habit. So many of the things we do, thoughts we think, and moods we’re in are habitual. They happen over and over again—almost without us being aware of it. So part of the journey of becoming more productive is about working with (or against) habits.

This is where it becomes important to not just look to break bad habits, but to bolster good ones. Or, what can be even more helpful, use neutral habits to support new healthy habits—in the ongoing fight to overcome bad ones.

For example, I have struggled for a long time now to establish what I know to be a healthy and helpful habit—if I could just get myself to adopt it. It’s so helpful to me when I take some time each night and briefly journal and fill out my Today Card for the next day. But the brute force of beating myself up about it, and even putting it at the top of my card didn’t quite do the trick.

But this whole time, I’ve already had the habit of making myself some herbal tea each night. I enjoy it, and I do it automatically. So, going forward, the tea habit will now be linked with the habit of journaling and filling out tomorrow’s card.

The pleasure I get from the tea habit—as well as how automatic it is—gives me much better chance of building the new habit I want to build. I just have to successfully link them up.

So, what habits do you currently have that can be linked up with helpful habits you want?